Monday, May 23, 2011

"The Soul Tells a Story"

If your soul could tell your story,
what would it say?

Vinita Hampton Wright has me thinking about this.....deeply....thinking....about.....this.

Vinita was the Keynote speaker at the OC Christian Writer's Conference this year and what a surprise.
I mean, last year's conference was good and I learned so much, but had no idea that this woman would SEE into the depths of MY SOUL!
Like, she really understood my need, hunger and deep desire to write.

I would have never, ever expected her to express what she expressed,
in the way she expressed it that morning.
After I got passed checking her out, for the first 2 minutes,
taking in all of the "first impressions",
...she did something.

She began speaking.

She began speaking from her heart.
She began speaking to my heart.
She began speaking to ME!

She spoke on Creativity, and how it is directly related to our Spirituality.
She also shared that when you embark upon creative work,
you are pushing your own personal boundaries.

"Creative work is soul work; it happens in that interior place where
spiritual life forms the rest of life.
Your spiritual beliefs and your creative drive reside in the same place-
deep within you where everything important is stored."

She writes, "it will open up parts of yourself with which you have been unfamiliar.
It will cause you to ask questions of your life.
It will insist that you come up with names for things that until now you haven't examined carefully at all."

She spoke on the process of saying "YES!" to your creative gifts.

Here are a few:
You can expect to be misunderstood - I totally get this.
You can expect to scare some people - done.
You can expect to be rejected - yup.
You can expect to lose control - for sure.
You can expect to be harder on yourself- and when is that book going to be done?

"The blessing of nurturing your creative life, though, is that often you can use your gifts to explore the hell you're going through. (how did she know?)
Such exploration may not relieve the suffering, but it can form wisdom and strength in you."

You've got to get your hands on this book and your heart into this book.
It will encourage your path and give you depth of insight into your own soul.

It will help you understand not only your gift,
but the Gift Giver,
and how your gift is something that you in turn,
can offer to others.

In fact, that is why the gift was given to YOU...
to develop,
to love,
to share.

"When the artist is truly the servant of the work, the work is better than the artist; Shakespeare knew how to listen to his work, and so he often wrote better than he could write; Bach composed more deeply, more truly than he knew; Rembrandt's brush put more of the human spirit on canvas than Rembrandt could comprehend."
Madeleine L'Engle, Walking on Water

If your soul could tell YOUR story,
what would it say?

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The OC Christian Writer's Conference 1 Year Later

Wow, one year ago is where a lot of this began.
What is "this", you ask?

"This" is the fruition of a wildly creative, wonderful, daring, courageous group that I have been so truly blessed to belong to.
Sharon knows the exact date we started and have met pretty much every Thursday since.

"This" group, which we don't officially have a name for, has been my life-saver.

"This" group, has been my support in my speaking, my writing, my life.

No, I am not exaggerating....seriously.

These women, in the last year, have supported me through dealing with my father's death, and have helped me persevere with my writing and speaking.
They understand the "writing thing". Not everyone does, and not everyone was meant to.
In fact, I didn't... until my heart was broken.

"This" group is a group where I am accepted unconditionally.
There are no expectations put on me...

"This" group is a group where I can share authentically.
I am not judged.

"This" group is a group where I feel completely "okay' with myself.
I am accepted.

"This" group is a group that embraces who I am, the good, the bad and yes, the UGLY.
I am loved.

"This" group is a group that could go on the road as comedians. We laugh hysterically.
They are funny.

"This" group is a group with real people dealing with real issues.
They are open.

"This" group is a group that gives me feedback, risking the fact that I may not like what I hear,
but they tell me anyways.
They are honest.

"This" group has been an incredible blessing in my life.
They are the body of Christ.

I am so very thankful that I met Sharon and Lynne through our Speaking Class,
and it was no accident that I met Tina in the bathroom, of all places.

Who knew we would all "click" at last year's conference.

Who knew we would accomplish all we have accomplished in one year?

Who knew we would all cling to each other for support as we journey on our
Writing/Speaking paths?

Who knew that coming together would create so much more than we could individually?

God Knew.


If you are working on your craft, you MUST find a "This" in your life,

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

First Steps

Well, I FINALLY took my first step towards becoming a "Professional" speaker! (Ha ha)

I had a "Professional" picture taken.

I think my "Professional Photographer" Ed must have taken at least
500 pictures

not really,
but a lot...

and we got
decent one.

In the mechanic world (so I've heard)
"decent" means,
"really good lookin', or HOT, or RAD ".

In the writing world,
decent means, well,


Acceptable, nice, satisfactory...
you get the picture?

I like it, and I like it more than other pictures I have of myself actually speaking
which are

My eyes are closed, my mouth is awkwardly open or
I look like I'm scolding someone.
Not really, but they are not as natural as you would think they would be.

So, now that I've taken one of the first steps,
I need to take another.

Next step is creating a flyer...

Getting the picture done only took me a year...
hopefully this will take me less!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Writer's Conference...

Here it is again, the Writer's Conference!


Last year I went in as a Rookie and was fascinated, educated and inspired.

I had posted a picture that I had taken with a new friend, an old friend and Susan Osborne.

I will repost it and see if we can get another pic with her this year.

I thought the three of us in the back looked like a 2010 version of Charlie's Angels....
stop laughing!

I always wanted to be "Farrah" and even had the 70's "wings" or "feathered" hair, but I
think Tina is our "Farrah".
(she's the blonde)

I would be happy being the Jacklyn Smith character (asian version)
if Sharon is ok with being the "Sabrina", who was the really smart one.

A sure goes fast, doesn't it?

What I have done in the last year ?
(that has to do w/writing & speaking anyways)

1. Started to blog...semi-regularly..
I actually have some followers who I don't know personally!

2. Started a "Women of the Literary Guild" writing group w/friends.
..errr ...cohorts, meeting weekly

3.Started my "book", I use the term loosely....
(can you call 11 pages a book...yet?)

4. Signed up on Blogs for writers

5. Have ideas for other books

6.Dreamed of other books

7.Read other books

8. Bought some books

9.Encouraged others to write "their story"

Okay, I know #s 5-8 don't really count, but they DO have to do with writing...
and inspiration and motivation.

Think about what YOU have accomplished this last year taking you just a few steps closer to your goal or goals, whether they be writing, speaking or both...
or whatever YOUR goals may be.

Give yourself some credit, too.

I'm sure you did much more than you thought you could or would do.

If not, here are some things that helped me...
(I don't have a timeline like you would when setting a measurable, realistic goal)

1. Support- find an accountability partner, a partner in crime, so to speak.
Someone who will cheer you on, understand your frustrations as well as help you get up from falling down occasionally.

As iron sharpens iron.....

Two are better than one...

2. Trust- I trust the Lord to help me through this process. This is a new road for me and it is unknown, but trusting the Lord allows me to be open to what is laid down before me. There are some expectations, but I must be flexible to what the LORD is doing in me and through me...

Trust in the Lord with all your heart...

We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose..

3.Discipline- to DO what you have to DO....whether it be to write, diet, exercise, pray...
no one will do it FOR you, not even God....

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but of sound mind, power and discipline...

4. Vision- to see the Final product or will keep you going and it will remind you that it IS possible...

All things are possible with God...

Without vision, the people will persish...

5. Patience- good things take time... be patient with your results, your expectations, and with God. HE may be working ON you and IN you before HE can work THROUGH you...

That God, who began this good work in you, will carry on until it is finished..

...even in our trials and troubles- These very things...will develop mature character.

Keep Writing- Keep Praying- Keep Trusting!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Literary Guild

Ha ha!
As we were checking in to make sure our "Writer's Group" was still meeting today, one of our members referred to our group as the "Literary Guild".
I like it!
Somehow the word, "GUILD" sounds distinguished, educated, refined.

Here is the definition of "guild"...
noun medieval times, a union of men in the same craft or trade to uphold standards and protect the member

2. any association for mutual aid and the promotion of common interest.

Here is the definition of "group"...

1. a number of persons or things gathered closely together and forming a recognizable unit; cluster; aggregation; band: a group of houses

2.a collection of objects or figures forming a design or part of a design, as in a work of art

3.a number of persons or things classified together because of common characteristics, community of interests, etc.

Not very exciting, huh.
When I compare the two definitions, I prefer "GUILD" by far!

We definitely are a union of women working on a similar craft, upholding standards and protecting each other...can't help but like the word "medieval" used in this definition!
a number of persons or THINGS gathered closely together, a cluster, a collection, etc!

One of the coolest parts of today was seeing all of our different personalities and how they all play out in our writing, speaking and each of our contributions to this GUILD!!!!

There is "T", the NEW Grandma, who is a combo Choleric/Sanguine.
She is insightful and wise. I love her East Coast little accent, although I doubt she will admit to having one!

There is "S", the poet, who does know it! She is a Melancholy to the Max!
Her life experience and sense of humor adds so much to our group. She was an English Major in school and paints vivid pictures with her wonderful words!

There is "L", the Choleric-Sanguine/Phlegmatic. (This is just MY perspective, as we have never verbally said that "L" has Phleg characteristics, but I think there is a portion.
She is passionate and deep (phleg), thoughtful and expressive (phleg)!

Then there is "ME", the Sanguine/Choleric.
I am loud, outgoing, energetic and I love to laugh...which is what we do when we are together!

My maltese, lovingly called, "Lil the Pill", who's real name is Lilly, chose to sit in the backyard after the cackling started!

I love the accountability and encouragement we get from each other.
We have all agreed that together, we have helped each other take little steps towards our goals.

I love that we learn from each other!

I love that we inspire each other!

But what I love MOST, is that these ladies
LOVE to LAUGH and we are
LEARNING to LEAN on God and on each other.

What a fabulous blessing each of you are in my life!
Philippians 1:3
I thank my God every time I remember you.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Write On!

Well, our Writer's Group has met twice!
I am BLOWN away at the tenacity of this group of women.
During our first official meeting, we talked about writing and various ways to improve our skills.
One piece of advice I received from Pam Farrell ( and yes, it was to ME!) was that I should write EVERY day. Every day, each day, every single day. Wow...and as you can see, I haven't followed an accomplish author's advice. Boo, ME!
Oops, got side-tracked!

Getting back to the tenacity of our group...I've got to share with you that each one of the ladies
(there are 3 + me) in the group either started one or two new blogs or got going on one they had started previously.
I have been so impressed with their progress!

I, on the other hand have been taking baby steps in my own way,
by stepping out of my comfort zone, facing some of my fears, and risking.

I have been so very blessed, encouraged and inspired by each one of these ladies!
As God would have it,
we each bring our own style, personality and perspectives to this writing "thing".
We learn and laugh together,
support and suggest,
glean and giggle,
stretch and strengthen each other!

I LOVE it and could not be more Grateful for each one of these ladies!

With a Heart to Write~

Monday, May 24, 2010

Writing My Testimony

Writing my testimony has been much more difficult than I anticipated. I figured, I'd easily scribe about my life, before Christ, how I accepted Christ, and what has changed since accepting the Lord into my heart. Easier said than done! I know, "EVERYTHING is harder than it looks". Really? REALLY!
Rarely is something easier than it looks, and you'd think I'd know that by now.
And how DO you fit 45 years into 10 minutes??
Huh? THAT's the tricky part.
The art of writing is being able to do that...
creatively, descriptively and concise!
I'll keep all of you posted.....all 2 of you! :-)
For now, it's create, describe and cut!